In this website you can remind and review the most importants parts of the body that we talked about in the last lesson when we described movements and we practiced some stretchings.
Welcome to "THE NEW WORLD OF PH.ED. and SPORTS". I hope this blog will be interesting and useful to improve your knowledge in English according to the topics.
Educatori, Educación Física Bilingüe de 1º a 4º (L.Serrano Cortés,'09)
Leckie and Leckie, Questions in - Intermediate1 (M.Thorburn, '05)
Educatori, Educación Física Bilingüe - Guía del profesor (L.Serrano Cortés,'09)
Leckie and Leckie, Standard Grade - Success Guides
I´m grateful for the assistance given in Bilingual Program by... Prof.ALBERTO PIÑERA (IES Velázquez-Móstoles,Madrid), Prof.ALBERTO FUENTES (IES Universidad Laboral-Gijón,Asturias), and Prof.ÁNGELES DÍEZ (Universidad de León).